Midnite Oils – great packaging for a great product

If you’ve ever wandered about a community market and chatted with vendors for very long, you know that among them are some highly  researched professionals at what they do. Usually it’s a lifestyle choice that leads them to take up small town life and a market booth with small-batch formulated products when they could have headed a team mass producing the products to an enormous fan market across the country…or globe.

This was my impression of Dorie Horne of Midnite Oils upon meeting her several years ago. Smaller town life agrees with her. Talk with her and you will discover some profound knowledge behind what she is producing. For sunscreens she makes of natural ingredients, you discover she knows the SPF of ground raspberry seeds. She knows which essential oils tighten skin, defeat acne, relieve itching, have antiseptic qualities and help you wake up in the morning. Her muscle rubs are true to their name: Magic!

Unfortunately, when one embraces the gentler, less-corporate life and produces in small batches, expenses go up and so do the hours of work involved! Both Dorie and her husband Bruce are fabulous artists and while they created labeling that perfectly nailed all the informational basics, they cloaked the professional expertise behind the products. It wasn’t that they couldn’t create fabulous labels—they didn’t have time. That’s where TMTM entered the picture. We worked with the great information they already compiled as well as their logo imagery and title font and organized clean labels that make it easy for shoppers to spot the information they seek. We can’t take credit for the ideal dispenser bottles. Dorie researched and market tested those herself. Most all of our clients are extremely savvy on their own!

The new labels will begin to appear in 2018 and we couldn’t be more proud to lend a hand in putting an exclamation point on the expertise behind the wonderful products of Midnite Oils.